does not describe me fully
it is where to start

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Human Being Died that Night

Every now and then, someone writes with a heart so open, it is both painful and life affirming. Judy Croome, South African author, has written a post so powerful it deserves wide-spread recognition. Writing poignantly about her post-apartheid nation, Croome bared her soul with candor, regret, and hope. Her post’s power and raw honesty left me speechless. We are honored by Croome’s willingness to open her heart to us. I don’t know if one can assert that South Africa’s particular cauldron of issues is more complex than most. After all, life is in its essence complex. Just its very mystery introduces complexity. Yet, South Africa seems to be a crucible, in the present era, for the challenges humanity faces in defining what is good and what is evil. Here is the link to her post.

A Human Being Died that Night


Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

Judith...thank you.

A Cuban In London said...

I will be reading her post soon. I'm in the process of writing a post about her book of poems A Lamp at Midday. I''m finding it fascinating, but also sad.

Greetings from London.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Judith .. your post made me shoot over to Judy's site - she does write incredibly powerfully ... and having lived in SA I can understand some of what she's saying.

It's a strong title "A Human Being Died That Night" ...

Thanks for posting and pointing us to Judy's post .. cheers Hilary

Judith Mercado said...

Cuban, I look forward to reading your post. It is interesting serendipity that we both chose to write about her.

Hilary, yes, it is incredibly powerful, and the title is gripping.

Judy Croome | @judy_croome said...

CUBAN, thanks for taking the time to read a LAMP at MIDDAY - they're not the most intellectual poems, but I did write them from the heart during a very sad time.

HILARY, I can't claim credit for the title - that's the name of the book I read which stimulated the post. Have to say it was a frighteningly intense read for me. I was emotionally exhausted after reading and after writing my response to it.

JUDITH - thank you again, I'm honoured that you enjoyed the post enough to link to it on your blog!

Judith Mercado said...

You're welcome, Judy.