does not describe me fully
it is where to start

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

They come in all types
outrageous, timid, and brave,
our loving dads.


A Cuban In London said...

They do, don't they? Or should I say, we do, don't we? :-)

Greetings from London.

Judith Mercado said...

Thank you, Cuban. From all I've read, you sound like a marvelous father.

Malcolm R. Campbell said...

They do (as you said) and we dp (as Cuban said). Mine, long gone now, was a writer and I still here his advice.


Malcolm R. Campbell said...

Oops, that should be WE DO

Judy said...


It is an interesting influence to consider, not just for its content but also for its longevity. My father was a writer too and I always thought we had little in common (he was a minister after all) but it turns out that his was a lasting influence since I have turned into a writer too. Different, to be sure, but still a writer.

A Cuban In London said...

Thanks for your thoughts on Conrad. And I'm glad to see that we share the same view about 'Heart of Darkness'. I don't like Conrad. I read 'Heart of Darknes' twice, the second time to see if I 'got' it but no. His style is the opposite of what I expect of a novel. But the fact he was Polish and wrote in a different lexicon is inspiring to an immigrant like who's still trying to crack this language we insist on calling English and which I call The Hybrid. :-)

Greetings from london.

Judith Mercado said...

Yes, Cuban, Conrad's ability to make that transition at such a high level of skill is truly remarkable.